Quotes 5
20 Epic Motivational Quotes
We once said that motivation is similar to a shower. Highly effective, but the effect quickly wares off. Many of us have dreams and ideas. We get excited but quickly discard plausible ideas because we think they will be too hard to achieve. Why does this happen? Why would we throw away a great idea […]
50 Motivational Quotes to Get You Fired Up
Motivation is very much like a shower. Highly effective, but the effect quickly wares off. Many of us come up with an awesome idea, we work hard, we make some progress, but then quickly lose interest. Have you ever wonder why this happens? It’s due to the shower effect. You lose motivation. In order to be successful […]
Just Do it – Really!
Just Do It! It takes courage but the results are astounding. Embrace risk and travel towards a better self! Achieve your dreams Sir!
The Last 10 Business Quotes You’ll Ever Need
Every now and then we get down, and instead of thinking positive, we let our inner demon get the best of us. If you think that the most successful people in the world never had bad days in which they thought success was impossible, then you don’t understand the meaning of hard work. Just as […]
5 Entrepreneurial Lessons from Frank Underwood
Frank Underwood, the genius manipulative mastermind that is the star of the Netflix mega-hit House of Cards, can teach most entrepreneurs a thing or two. In fact, never before in the history of television, has there been a character that actually stops, turns to the audience and delivers his valuable lessons in such a direct […]
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