Business 14
How to use LinkedIn and build your professional network
Many digital platforms and social media are now available in our time! What is special is that each platform has its own specialty and scope that distinguishes it in this article on the best way to use LinkedIn. Today, many years later, the idea of LinkedIn being more like a resume database is still very […]
How to deal with competition in business?
Many business owners are usually upset about competition, and the ability of similar industries to attract consumers to their products and leave what they offer; Consequently, they failed to earn any revenue that would help their business survive. So the competition is very frightening, everyone strives to succeed and attract consumers.
Trump policies brings CEO confidence at record high
Confidence among chief executives of American-based companies has just experienced one of the largest single-quarter gains in history, up by 4.2 points in the quarterly YPO Global Pulse survey. Why? By now it’s easy to just say “Trump.” Here’s an underappreciated part of that business optimism story. Last week President Donald Trump signed an executive […]
5 Awesome Ways to Advertise Your Family Business
Even though some will be petrified by it, it is a fact that tight competition is what makes some of the greatest world’s economies truly great. By constantly competing with others on the same market, you are forced to improve not only your business but your entire field off work as well. However, by far […]
5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes You Want to Avoid
Nowadays, just about every business has a Facebook page. Be it giant corporations like Apple and Amazon or small businesses such as your local coffee shop. Each business will have a slightly different social media strategy depending on its size. In this article will focus on the common mistakes that the typical small businesses makes on […]
Negotiating – 5 Tips to Improve Your Odds
If you are planning on being successful, you will have to master the art of negotiating. The idea is to make the other party believe they are getting as much as you are (or more). We are not talking about ripping people off. Quite the opposite in fact. The trouble is that often you may […]
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