Welcome to the first post in our new series “Startup Blog Posts for Entrepreneurs”, where we share with you a blog post from a different startup each week. Why? These unique posts have something that each and every entrepreneur can learn from. In this week’s article, we are focusing on Workaway Camp, which is “Probably the first travel agency dedicated to entrepreneurs”.
October: “Improve your network: Alternative ways to meet new people”
In the post, Nikolaj, the founder of Workaway Camp, starts off by discussing the difference between growing and improving your network. Want to be a great networker? Nikolaj shares his outline for the different types of relationships and then shares a handful of ways to meet new people.
Here are a few insights from the post:
Do something for free
The method of doing something for free, is used widely. Mostly known from startups and companies doing software with a premium model. Free is good, and can be used to gain a lot of things, also your network. Doing something for free can give you respect.
Invite people out for dinner
My friend and I did this once and it was great. We both invited three people that we didn’t know, but wanted in our network. We wrote something like “I am having this casual, networking dinner and would like to invite you. I have been following you on social media and would like to meet you”.
Pay for the big shots time
Busy and important people, get a lot of offers and emails, so it can be difficult to get to know those kind of people. Most entrepreneurs are fighting to become a big shot and getting advice from one who is already there can be game changing.
Do a warm-up event before a big event in your market
This is a fun little “trick” that has worked really well for me. Back home in Denmark there is an annual conference about online marketing. It’s the biggest event on the topic in Denmark and most people are there.
There are a few more insights that we picked up from the post that we have already begun using when we plan and go to events.
Why should you read it? As Paul Graham told Air Bnb’s founders – “go meet people”, and that changed Air BnB forever. Why not control your future and success?
Check out Workaway Camp on their social media…