Motivation is very much like a shower. Brilliantly effective at keeping you clean for a few hours, but you will need another one pretty soon. Motivation is the same deal, some forms of internet content can get you hugely motivated, but the effect quickly wears off. You need constant fixes and that’s what todays post is all about.
However motivation in itself isn’t enough, we also need inspiration to remind us why we are working so hard on our goals. Why do we get up at 5:00 AM everyday to work on our ventures? Why do we work when others sleep? When do we study when others watch TV shows? This might be the answer. Paul McClean is an Irish trained architect that designs some of the most epic properties you will ever see. The pinnacle of his work is located in Laguna Beach and the Los Angeles areas. McClean implements a number of key elements in every project – Modern design, seamless integration with the surrounding environment and maximising the available views.
Hopefully this epic photos of this stunning house will be sufficient in provided your daily fix of motivation. Enjoy these photos, work hard and give Paul a call when it’s time for you to build your own mansion.
Remember, as Jordan Belfort said…
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story that you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”
Photos: courtesy of McClean Design