Many entrepreneurs don’t know how to code. That’s a surprise, right? In today’s age we rarely see a startup created by one person and more times than not the team will be comprised of 2-3 co founders. One of the early stage challenges, even before your first MVP, is successfully communicating the idea.
Why is that an issue? Tomer Dean a co-founder of Graddy told us that, “As a programmer I am approached by people with ideas on a regular basis, and I recognized that many people don’t know what they are looking for. As an entrepreneur and a programmer, I have been on both sides of that conversation.”

There is a communication breakdown. When you put a dude from France and a dude from Australia in a business meeting, more than likely there will be more than one or two misunderstandings. The same thing happens when non-coding entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to would-be CTOs. The problem leads to misrepresentation of the vision and even worse (maybe) is that the sides don’t work together, and hence the idea is lost in translation.
Fortunately, we may be very near to being able to use a tool that enables non-coding entrepreneurs to easily, and effectively convey ideas to those that do code.
Graddy, as they call it, is a tool that helps entrepreneurs better communicate their ideas to developers on top of a one-pager.
We help the entrepreneur focus his/her thoughts by asking a set of questions about the application/service he/she wants to create. Once all questions are answered and submitted our expert developers go through each and every application and process it to make it understandable for both sides. Thus, creating a one-pager that an entrepreneur can use to start a conversation with a developer.
How does this thing work?
This is a process that involves answering a handful of questions that entails about 20-30 minutes of work. This is a beta version so hopefully in later versions they will be able to weed out the less critical questions so that, at least at the first stage, the entrepreneur can upload information in half the time. After filling out everything in the form, Graddy will send you the finalized version within 24 hours. This too, in a later version, will more than likely be condensed. Currently in the works is an algorithm that will be able to analyze the answers. The analysis will then enable the platform to structure the details according to the experts’ understanding in a clear 1-pager for both sides.
With time, and a good team will come resources that should turn Graddy into something used to kick-off any new product development. Give it a shot.