In recent times, many of the tasks that have been developed and spread around the world have emerged on the professional, commercial and investment scene, and are no longer abstract secondary professions that can be dispensed with, but have become the basis for the success of any project and its advancement and achieving its objectives, the most prominent of which is the marketing process.
Today, we are reviewing the best marketing and advertising methods through the so-called advertising campaign, as well as the ways to plan those campaigns appropriately.
What is an ad campaign?
The advertising campaign is the same as the normal advertising that is presented through different media but more intensively, with the help of many media at the same time, newspapers, radios, television, road advertisements, flyers, advertisements funded on the Internet, social networking sites, forums and many more, and also using multiple methods in communicating the idea and clarifying the advantages of the product, commodity or company, and this at specific times and a clear schedule and plans explained and agreed in advance.
How is the ad campaign set up and planned?
There are several important axes and criteria that must be carefully observed, so that they can resonate with the masses and ultimately achieve their precisely drawn objectives, including:
Find out what information and data
That step means the interest in gathering information and details about the market, commodities, the public, competitors in this area, the expected cost and other information that must be on mind above all else.
Defining campaign goals
This is the most important step of the campaign on which the rest of the steps and stages are coordinated in accordance with those objectives.
Identify the target group
It means agreeing on the audience to be addressed and drawing their attention to the item or service offered, and that audience may be young people, women, university students, doctors.
Select time period
The time period is very important in the design controls of advertising campaigns; it is a serious measure and indicator of the campaign’s itinerary and whether it has achieved any of the goals that were expected to be achieved in that period or not.
Setting a specific fiscal balance
The budget is one of the most important planning controls for advertising campaigns, as it is controlled above all in the various criteria.
Start campaigning
This is the expected step, which everyone hopes will achieve its objectives and must be implemented strictly without any violation of what has been agreed upon.