You know the feeling of having a to-do list that never goes away? It’s called an entrepreneurs to-do list. When you are trying to take your start up from the bottom up, there are an endless number of tasks that have to be undertaken. You finish one task, but before you can move on to the next one, you suddenly remember one other task that must be added to the to-do list. Starting today, you are going to have one more item on your to-do list: guest blogging.
The benefits of guest blogging for entrepreneurs are numerous, and range from SEO, networking, and creating an online presence to go along with strengthening your brand.
The value of increasing your authority is two-fold: proof of being an expert and the ability to build your network. If you add up excellent networking skills (today via social media) and authority the result is an entrepreneur that can use guest blogging to growth hack, and run a “lean” startup.
Growth Hacking focuses less on spending money to advertise and market a product, and rather seeks to create growth before there is even a budget. With guest blogging you control your growth.
One key aspect of growth hacking is making sure that it happens fast. Other techniques of growth hacking are infographics, videos, and other forms of embedable digital media.Time is money, and so all of the aforementioned tricks will take a few hours of time and “money”. No one is implying that writing a blog post is a walk in the park and a 20 minute project, however if technical skills are not your strength, and even if they are, guest blogging can be a superior source for growth.
It worked for Buffer:
Leo Widrich is the COO, Co-Founder of Buffer and an extraordinary growth hacker that maximized the results of guest blogging. Via Buffer he published content for a handful of the web’s leading content kings: Mashable, Social Media Examiner, Fast Company, Business Insider, and Lifehacker among others. The reason behind his madness was simple: increase quality traffic to their site and blog, and hence make Buffer an authority for all online marketers.
The result was probably even better than expected, and a lot of credit is due to the guest blogging: 100,000 users in the less than a year. If you have not started guest blogging you better start asking your marketing guru how you plan on growing – because money doesn’t grow on trees, but guest blogs can – if you feed them with your brain.
If you decide to guest-post, be prepared to do it at least once a week for a period of six months or longer. You can’t expect great results from a few posts. – Neil Patel
Perhaps, the best part of guest posting is that it allows you to enter an already-established community, and share your message. It allows you to connect with new people, which can ultimately benefit you, if you do it right. – Jeff Goins
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