Every job requires tools. A Formula One driver needs a race suit, a helmet, and obviously a car. A plumber needs bits of pipe, duck tape and a tool box. A modern day entrepreneur is no different. Whether you’re building a billion dollar business or a useless app that will never break into the app stores top 1000 list, let alone the top 100 list, you need tools. You’ll need a smartphone, a computer and a brain. Unfortunately there is another super important tool that is much too often overlooked. An office! Not Microsoft Office, a physical office to sit in.
Recent figures suggest that more people in the developed word have access to a firearm than an office. Another figure suggests that 90% of all figures are all made up.
Regardless, we need a place to work. A place in which we can have peace and quite. A place in which we can think. A place in which we can build our billion dollar business.
I have seen countless offices erected in closets, playrooms, sheds and garages. All these locations come with some, or all of the following as a package deal – Noise, extreme heat or cold, distractions and discomfort. Surely there should be a better solution. Luckily there is!
Say hello to Office POD. Office POD offers you a way to boost productivity and push away all those distractions. Office POD isn’t your typical garden shed office. It’s a POD! That sounds futurist so it must be good. Luckily it is! The Office POD can be installed at just about any location and offers a built in desk, storage, lighting, power, ventilation and heating.
The life expectancy of the POD is estimated to be in excess of 25 years. So it’s likely that over the course of 25 years, you will have at least one successful venture that will allow you to upgrade to a bigger office. The POD can easily be relocated and refitted to any location you desire.
The company also offers a Meeting POD. This does pretty much the same as the Office POD but is set up for groups rather than a single person workspace.
So no more excuses, stop working from your kids playroom and get yourself a proper office.