Law 20
A Facebook Emoticon May Keep You out of Jail – Elonis v. United States
What happens when you post a threatening status on ‘the book of faces’ AKA Facebook? What happens if you write on your friend’s wall that you are going to kill him? Would the result differ if you added a friendly emoticon at the end of the sentence? Are you a criminal? Or are you protected […]
Are Creators Over-Protected on Kickstarter?
As part of our “Kickstarter Week” here at BizzVenue, we are giving you the down low on what legal tips should be guiding you through your Kickstarter project. The most basic Kickstarter legal tips are of course (and this applies for anything on the net) following the community guidelines, terms of use (covered below), and […]
Can the Cops Search Your Phone? No. Well… Actually Yes… but Not Exactly.
So you get pulled over, you resist arrest, a fight breaks out between you and the cop, you’re restrained and then your phone is taken. This isn’t a typical scenario that happens to law abiding citizens. What does happen to law abiding citizens is that sometimes we get pulled over for driving a little faster […]
5 Basics for an International Trademark
A trademark is any word, name, symbol (logo), slogan, package design, device, or any combination of the aforementioned that distinguishes a certain product of company A from that of company B. Do you need a Trademark? We won’t go into that question, rather for those that want to learn about it or need a trademark, here is […]
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